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Showing posts with label Android. Show all posts

HTC Thunderbolt 4G for Verizon Wireless arrives March 17


We’ve seen rumors. We’ve heard stories. We’ve gained features and lost features. It has been, from my experience, the second most hyped device on Verizon Wireless and the most hyped Android phone since the Nexus One. The first of Verizon’s 4G lineup is finally here to answer some questions: the HTC Thunderbolt 4G.
It’s the third of HTC’s 4.3-inch slabs of 4G awesomeness with a kickstand. Not unlike the HTC Evo 4G in concept, but different in nearly every other way, the Thunderbolt combines some great hardware with one of the most comfortable feeling devices I have had the pleasure to experience. The design is not unlike a large Nexus One with its soft touch plastic coating all over, though clearly a bit wider and a bit heavier. Opening the kickstand reveals a large speaker capable of some nice sounds, and a nice vibrant screen helps wrap it up nicely. We’ve known about all of those things for awhile, what could possibly be new?
The Thunderbolt will have 8GB of onboard storage and also comes with a 32GB microSD card that is described in the press release as “Actual formatted capacity will be less”. I suspect 16 GB, but no clear definition or reason was given. Skype Video is not included in the press release, which goes along with what we have seen so far from the device rumors, and it’s packing a 1.3 megapixel front and 8 megapixel back camera for when it does come out. It’s running the latest of the Snapdragon line, clocked at 1GHz, though don’t let that spec alone fool you, this monster is plenty fast.
Pricing was another significant issue we were patiently waiting on. We’d seen USB stick pricing and tablet pricing for 4G, but what will it cost to put 4G on your phone? Verizon has released a brief statement addressing the current 4G plans. It states that you will be required to have a Verizon Wireless Nationwide Talk plan and a 4G LTE data package. So that’s going be at least $39.99 for the voice plan and $29.99 for the data plan.
Along with this, the Mobile Hotspot service will be free for all Thunderbolt owners until May 15, after which a $20/month add-on will be available to anyone who would like the ability to connect up to 8 devices on the first LTE network.
Having been one of the few to get real hands on time with this device at CES, I can tell you that the Thunderbolt was worth the wait. It’s a solid phone that is more than comfortable to hold and delivers any multimedia very well. Plus, it’s an HTC phone, so there is no doubt that it’s only a matter of time before the geeks over at the XDA Developers forum have rooted it and overclocked it to sound like a Ferarri or something.
The Thunderbolt has gotten a lot of negative press largely due to poor rumors and idle speculation. Give it a fair shake, and go try one out on March 17.

Star Smile mad

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